New events are happening in Desoto! To see the full list of activities go to the Desoto Parks and Recreation website.

Harvest Fest at the Park
We appreciate those who came out and joined us - here are a few photos from the event.

The Regional CARE Team website is live and ready to help residents during times of crisis. The website provides CARE Team Member contact information, an at-risk citizen registry, crime victim resources, and crises line resources.
This organization is a multi-disciplinary group that provides community behavioral health support and resources to residents and their families of DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Duncanville and Lancaster.
Their purpose is to assist individuals experiencing behavioral health needs and their families/support systems to access, navigate, understand, and utilize appropriate community referral sources. They do not respond to 9-1-1, but instead provide prevention services before a crisis begins and follow up after a crisis to help in preventing another.
For more information about the Regional CARE Team and available crisis resources, click here to visit their website or email the Regional CARE Team at Careteam@desototexas.gov.

Adopt A Street and Monthly Clean Up Events

The City of DeSoto wants your participation in this year’s Civic Academy, which is scheduled to begin Thursday, August 12, 2021. All applications must be filled out online. The Civic Academy is open to the first 25 DeSoto citizens who submit completed applications. For more information please contact Kimberly Garduno at 972-230-9690 or email kgarduno@desototexas.gov.
Texas Health And Human Services
City Manager Weekly Updates

The City of DeSoto cares about its residents, and we are reaching out to HOAs to help spread the word about the different ways families and businesses can access COVID-19 relief resources. Here are the six ways to help the community recover during COVID-19:
1. Water Bill Assistance
The City of DeSoto offers water bill assistance to help pay for water, sewer, garbage and drainage fees for up to six months.
2. Rent Relief
The City offers funds to those struggling to make rent or facing eviction. Apply for relief now!
3. Vaccine Access
The City of DeSoto is helping more get vaccinated, including home-bound residents.
4. iCSI Business Boost
The iCSI Customer Service Excellence Workshop consists of two free 90-minute sessions that teach you how to target customers using social media tactics.
5. WiFi Resources
Several DeSoto public parks have been equipped with free WiFi.
6. Food Pantry
The City of DeSoto is providing additional support to local food pantries.
To learn more, visit the City's website, desototexas.gov
Desoto Cares Flyer in English and Spanish
If you need assistance with mortgage, rental and utility bills,click the flyer below to find out more information (link to site included) Or go directly to the link below for full details.