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  •  Q: How much are the HOA dues?

    • A: HOA dues are $60.63 due in January. Each homeowner will received an invoice showing current and past dues that have not been paid.

  • Q: How do I pay dues?

    • A: Checks may be mailed to Chapel Hill HOA, PO Box 3006 Desoto, TX 75123 or brought to our quarterly community meetings. Many banks also offer online bill pay services. Address payments to Chapel Hill HOA at the PO Box address to have your bank mail a check.

  • Q: What if I don’t pay my dues?

    • A: HOA dues should be paid in January. If you forget to pay your dues, a second notice will be sent to you in the Spring. Constantly missing consecutive payments will result in a lien placed on your property.

  • Q: What are the HOA/neighborhood restrictions?

  • Q: When are HOA meetings?

    • A: HOA board members meet once per month, typically on the first Monday of the month. Residents are welcome to attend meetings, but will not be allowed to vote on issues presented to the board for a decision. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact us to confirm the date, time and location.

  • Q: How may I become involved with the HOA?

    • A: Residents may be involved with the HOA by serving on the board or participating with a committee.

  • Q:  I’ve noticed some homeowners that have not been keeping their yard in order, like a fence that is down. Why hasn’t the HOA done anything about it?

    • A: The HOA is not an enforcement agency. We serve as a voice for the community, inform residents, and promote a safe, healthy, pleasant neighborhood in which to live. Enforcing lawn maintenance, fence issues, abandoned vehicles, etc is through the City of DeSoto’s Code Department. Code violations can be anonymously reported online. The link is provided on this website for your convenience. As always, any concern can be brought to the HOA board to investigate and take action within our powers. Go to the Contact Us page to send us an email.

  • Q: What are the HOA dues for?

    • A: The HOA collects dues to pay for mandatory expenses such as utility (City of DeSoto water, electricity) and tax bills (property tax for the retaining and entryway walls). We also pay for lawn cutting services at the Belt Line Rd entryway and along the entire retaining wall along Belt Line Rd.We have also paid for sprinkler repair services, electrical services to replace are rewire the lighting at the Belt Line Rd entryway, graffiti removal, Christmas lighting, new resident welcome packages, bank fees, printing and postage for invoices, community updates, etc. We would like to do more, such as host block parties and holiday decorating contest prizes but we need more participation from homeowners.

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